Thursday, August 19, 2010

Let's fly a kite!

Dear Sir,

Yesterday I vented on all that's wanting with the poorer, under-privileged section of our country. Today, I feel that it is easy for me to sit in a comfortable chair, in front of my sleek desktop and fast connectivity and spew all that's wrong with the country.

So, here I am, part of the vast middle class, buying into the 'shining India' story, reveling in the fast paced change taking place in our cities, small towns and even the villages.

I revel in the fact, that you sir, top Newsweek magazine’s list of 10 world leaders who have won respect and described as 'leaders other leaders love'. But, then, why do we figure at 78th place in the list of 100 best countries in the same report? Oh, there I go again, today, I will only think positive.

Congratulations sir. What's more, Newsweek also described India as the ‘Best Place to Fly a Kite’. Now, that surely is a good way to see which way the wind is blowing.

So, when the commonwealth committee comes checking, why don't we ask them to 'go fly a kite' we are best at this, aren't we? We will win surely!

I also think, I am at my most positive when I sleep, that's when I escape reality.

Well, goodnight sir.

Are you sleeping as well?

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